Saturday, June 19, 2010

Obsessing Over the Superficial!

My minds a mush! I dont get it,i need to it right to sacrifice relationships to get what you want?i mean literally knocking people out of the way to get what you want (note these people arent just people,they love you.)These people care about you and they think they are saving you from something bad.Its like they can see something wrong with what your doing but your blind to it.
Okay you love it but its something superficial for example lets say.....Fame!
see i think that fame is shortlived.People obsess about it but then when their time is over they fall bad.And then they realize that it wasnt worth loosing people over...this happens right?


  1. You seem so distressed - so I just had to say something. Perhaps people need to follow their own paths to learn from life. Sure, if you think they're doing something self-destructive, then it drives you crazy. But even then, especially if you love them, shouldn't they be given a chance to find out for themselves?
    Everyone must learn for themselves. Perhaps what you think would hurt them might just make them stronger or lead them to their path towards learning. How can any of us know for sure what is right or wrong for others? I know I am contradicting myself because I consider myself a guide, a teacher. But even I know my limitations. People must follow their own paths and others must be patient with them. Love is about patience and understanding. Don't be distressed. Learning is always tough.

  2. you are right,i always say experience teaches one cause that is how i learned but i never got myself into such shit.what happens when you know and are sure that by the time they come to realize that they are screwed....itl just be too late for them.
