Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nose Picking in Public!

No one knows who it was who first used their digits to explore around inside their nasal passages.However we have evidence that nose picking was widespread about 10,000 years ago.
The Great Emperor Constantine issued a decree in 299 A.D stating among other things that anyone caught with a finger in their nose deeper than the first joint was to be summarily executed.

Picking your nose is something I have seen many people do.To me it is disgusting or as Aaez Raza of 1st year at NCA. would say..... 'disgustapating!'.To some people its just plain don't care.It is so gross to see someone picking their nose,even worse when they act all stubborn even though they are aware that they have been caught red handed.Would you believe me if i told you that i come across one person EVERDAY with their finger up their nose,in our class rooms,in cars passing by,in the market and even in eating places.They are everywhere,they are taking over the world i tell you.

Come on you guys its no secret you have boogers,i have boogers,we all have boogers.its a fact and they need to be removed.But for goodness sakes! have some class people.i find it really offensive,its soooo gross and it shows lack of respect for themselves and others.Discreetly use a tissue if not that use water to wash it out or better still,stay home!


  1. :) hahaha i 2 agree ...Disgusting and annoying habit in creatures called HUMan

  2. naah itz gud habit natural sort of thing a human beig shud do it coz it happens once in a blue.......... dunt miss :P

  3. I like the word disgustipating.

  4. i would like to see more from you Faten - I know you're a sensitive human being like the rest of us and the world around you makes you think and wonder and I also know you have an opinion. Good luck.

  5. will do mam.alot comes to mind i keep on jotting them down.so when i get time i know where to start

  6. That is gross, man. Glad you posted about it. I mean, jesus, people need to learn manners.

  7. I saw a man scratching his ass while crossing the road slowly, like a zombie. He blocked traffic and horns were honking and people were sweating in the terrible heat but he was unconcerned and scratching away. Now THAT was much worse than nose picking.

  8. haha oh yes you should see this woman who hosts this show on TV i am not going to mention who but god is shes obnoxious.she scratches her butt on camera...its sick

  9. hahaha i like ur post . faaaaaten :D i saw someone picking nose in college bus.some ppl use 2 fingers to catch that green herb :D
